Thursday, January 11, 2007

"IF I DID IT" (started a new post)

no, no, no, forget this one....I couldn't find a publisher!!!!!


Char said...

Yea! I'm the first comment on a real post. IF you did it? You DID do it! I'm sure we can find someone to publish that!

Keetha Broyles said...

You did it - - - You did it!!!!!!

See - - - was it THAT hard???

Not really any different than posting comments, is it?

Keetha Broyles said...

(Said in rhythm while pounding both fists on the table in front of me - - -)

Make a new post! Make a new post! Make a new post!

grammy said...

Keetha - (said in rhythm while smiling....)

Please, please, please can you see?
Had to go to Dosta, DJ and me!!
So I say on bended knee...
In your heart, forgive busy me!

Char said...

There's nothing more demanding than family members who want news! My youngest sister remarried a week ago and my next youngest sister has pictures. But has she posted them? Nooo. Guess what kind of e-mails she's been getting!

I'm sure she'd say she's busy, too, just like you, Grammy!

Keetha Broyles said...

Silly Grammy - - - you could have made that COMMENT a POST just as quickly as you made it a comment.


grammy said...

OK...will cheer for the ponys...wait, wait don't tell's the COLTS!!!

This is how little I know about football....could the Colts possibly end up playing..."THE BEARS"???? owwww, could get interesting for Kelly & Cathy????

Keetha Broyles said...

Yes - - - if the Bears win on Sunday, and if the Colts win on Sunday - - - the Super Bowl would be Bears vs Colts.

Kelly isn't a football fan at all - - - -

Cathy is back living in Indiana now, and I know she likes the Colts - - - - but did she say she was a Bears fan too??? I can't remember.

Put on your Gator's t-shirt (if its blue) only turn it wrong side out - - - and you'll be all set for pulling for the Colts. (Color will be right!!!)

Char said...

Grammy, I found a few more comments from you on Derby Doings and replied.

I'll try to take some pictures of myself watching the Colts game. My family will think I'm nuts (becoming interested in NFL-level play) but it could be worth it!

Anonymous said...

I love your profile mom! Congratulations and thanks for sending me notice. Love you!

Char said...

Grammy, you're the best for getting comments out of people with very little prompting!

I hope Florida escapes the "Big Freeze of 2007." Reports have it that there was snow in Malibu this morning. (Also known as "Gidget's Beach.")

grammy said...

Muggie with Marshies- you guys are really taking a pounding this year! Florida has not taken a freeze this year, just occasional frost. S. Florida really warm. We have enjoyed our share of hot choc. (with many more marshies than 3) and also tea.

I think of your (leopard print)wrapped tangerine tree when I see the news. We saw pictures of the snow in Malibu. Is that close to where you are? If so, it most have been "neat" for a change!!!

Stay warm!!!

Char said...

Malibu is about an hour north-west of us. We didn't see any snow. We're closer to Disneyland in Orange County.

Yes, we're keeping warm. Any Midwesterner would laugh at us though. It's 60 degrees and I'm wearing long underwear!

Keetha Broyles said...




grammy said...

I can really sympathize with the Marshies...we haven't been able to go to Dosta for two days...too cold...the high was only 65 degrees today and the low has been in the 40's...brrrrrrrrrrr

Char said...

Guess I hadn't better mention my flannel lined jeans!

Keetha Broyles said...

You two need a bit of REAL cold to stir up your blood!!!

We haven't had any REAL cold yet here - - - - but it has been in the teens in the morning with highs in the low 30's. At least we have WANNABE cold!!!

Char said...

I came out here for the first time in February. It was 65 during the day and I was sunbathing in my cousin's back yard. People told me that after I'd been here a while I would acclimatize. I guess I have. Sad.

Keetha Broyles said...

Grammy - - - who else could get this many comments for a post with so few words and such little content?

Just imagine what you could do with a REAL post!!! (By real I mean - - - a little paragraph where you actually TALK about some topic)

Keetha Broyles said...



Anonymous said...

One nice thing about mom's blog is I don't have to check as many places for comments. I'm still waiting for her to post some pics of our Christmas together. :P

Char said...

Yea, we're still waiting, too!

Keetha Broyles said...

Ditto what both of you said!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Why does she need to publish a post when all of us are commenting WITHOUT her posting one. Why buy the cow if you're getting the milk free - - - so to speak! ;-)

Char said...

A form of encouragement, I hope!

Anonymous said...

That's true, maybe when you dye your hair Keetha, mom will post some pics!

Char said...

O.K. Grammy, I'm going to post a picture of myself wearing blue on Sunday. What about yourself?

Hope all is well - haven't heard from you in a while.

grammy said...

Muggie with Marshies-
I am so proud of you "going blue" on Sunday. I will be sure to check your blog!! I don't even know what time bowl game starts...(don't let Funny Lady know that or she will dis-own me as Mommy in-law)...but I will be attending a women's heart seminar on Sunday and will be wearing RED for all of us women who were at one time dismissed as "patients not being able to have heart disease"!!!
As soon as I return home (if game isn't over) I will be watching and cheering for Indiana since I was born and raised there and many thanks for you in California for cheering us on!!!! GO PONIES!!! ooops, that should be COLTS!!! See how much I know????@#$%^&*&*

grammy said...

hahaha ROFLOL!!! Funny Lady is NOT my Mommy in-law but my Child in-law...she looks young enough to be my Grandchild in-law!!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Better look at the pics of me with blue hair before you say I look young - - - - that blue hair is a real ager.

6:00 is the time the game begins mom-in-law!!!!!! Don't you forget it either!!!!

Don't worry - - - it will still be on LONG after you get home from your seminar. But get that TV on and start watching AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME!!!!

Hey - - - - why not make a POST instead of just commenting on here?????????? You don't have to put on a picture to make a post. Word will do just fine - - - - -

Char said...

Hey, take a picture of your seminar and give us a little blurb.

grammy said...

I will make a post about the seminar during half time...since I am not too interested in "wardrobe malfunctions".
Confession to all about pix posting..I do have them on my diggy cam but don't have any more space to take more pix and don't know how to transfer to computer disc. Problems with construction crew!!! Think I better fire this crew and get new one in to get this mess up and running.
Funny Lady did blue hair thing so I must get pix on.

Keetha Broyles said...

Grammy - - - we NEVER put pix on a disc - - - we store them in picture perfect on the hard drive. Then I pull them from there to the blog.

Also - - - any pictures you aren't fond of on the camera, can be deleted to give you more space on the chip in the camera.

grammy said...

We deleted the ones we didn't like when I was at Jeany's. My "construction crew" will have to complete the "whatcha-ma-call-it" to the "thing-a-ma-jig" but the "crew" was getting his radio equipment re-arranged. In otherwords-the camera connected to the computer.

Keetha Broyles said...


Char said...

Tell DJ to hurry along there with the radio rearrangement. Your fan club is waiting!

Keetha Broyles said...

Ditto what she said!!!

grammy said...

Awwwww...I feel so loved and needed!!!!! DJ is saying "goodbye" to all his listeners...too bad for them as they will miss him but he will be able to devote more time for pix taking and I will be sure to post his "radio room" and some details of his career which is quite interesting.

Thanks Muggie and Favorite D-I-L for remaining fans during the construction phase...and I can almost see the finished product!!! Hang-in-there fans!!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

DIL - - - funny!!

Char said...

Grammy, you get the naming award. You're also the one who came up with Muggie with Marshies.

grammy said...

To my loyal fans...if it brings just a moment of happiness and "warm fuzzy feeling inside" was worth it!!! Thank you very much for the award (ooops, I hear music playing me off stage).

Keetha Broyles said...


We don't need pictures. We don't need long thought out paragraphs - - - why just look at how many comments you have gotten with "If I did it - - - no, no, no forget this one.....couldn't find a publisher"

Char said...

Yes, just a snipped will do. I don't know where those young women find the time or wherewithal to write those long posts. I have to visit their sites several times to take it all in.

Sweet and simple will do!

Keetha Broyles said...

Truth be told - - - I like sweet and simple far better. I don't have too much time for LONG.

If "no, no, no forget this one . . . can get 44 comments, I wonder what, "Yes, yes, yes - - - I'm up and running now" could get?????

grammy said...

MwM & F D-I-L


Short enuff?

Char said...

Short enough.

grammy said...

Good! Nite.

Keetha Broyles said...

short enough - - - but not GOOD enough - - - it was COMMENT - - - and what we're asking for is a POST - - - - so now, do the SAME THING only make it a post instead of a comment!!!!!!! :-)

Char said...

I'm going for 50 comments here. I aggree - We need some Grammy wit and wisdom in a new post. No more hiding your talents in the comments window!

Keetha Broyles said...

Grammy - - - go ahead - - - make a Valentine's Day Post - - - - Look how easy:

1) Go to dashboard

2) Click on "New Post"

3) Type in the following message:


4) Click on Publish Post.

No pictures necessary

grammy said...

F D-I-L..

1)Go to dashboard
The only dashboard I know is in the went to car.
2)Click on "New Post"
Didn't see anything that said "New Post" so wrote it on dashboard in red permanent marker.
3)Type in the following message:
No typewriter in car...had to go get one from house. Typed message and put on dashboard.
4)Click on "Publish Post"
Couldn't find anything that said "Publish Post" and by now am feeling frustrated so got DJ's screwdrive and "clicked" on that dashboard about 50 times. Boy is DJ going to be upset when he sees dashboard!!!

Think I better wait for "Sadie Hawkins Day"!!!!

Char said...

Grammy, you are too funny! What a clever spoof on blogger literacy. I may have to use your example in a speech sometime.

P.S. We are being literate, aren't we?

Keetha Broyles said...

Why should she make a post - - - - she's gettin' the milk free. ;-)

grammy said...

Muggie with Marshies-

Of course we are being LITERATE. You can't use "we and ILLITERATE" in the same sentence!!! Feel free to use in speech anytime...couldn't find a publisher for this one either..don't be worried about copywrites.

grammy said...

Favorite D-I-L:

Speaking of "free milk"...when I left for "lunch with the girls" today...DJ was studying the chart that connects the thing-ma-jig to the doo-floopy and then onto the we are working on it!!!

Char said...

Go DJ!

Char said...

Well, Grammy, I think we've pretty much exhausted this conversation.

How about a new post to get us going again?